Your Trusted Photocopy Shop
"Where To Find Good Photocopy Service for Schools & Kindergartens in Singapore?"
We can help you remove the heavy work load.
Do you have to spend all day just to photocopy lesson notes? Or do you spend more time having to staple the different colored cover page for the respective class levels? Or having to punch holes so the children can insert them into their files?
We can help you save time and release you to do your 'real' work.
Do you have to plan the curriculum for the various class levels? Searching the internet or browsing through books to extract materials for the next semester? Or having to spend time on the computer type-setting all the materials you have gathered? On top of all that, do you have to teach some classes as well? You need to do all these things before you can actually start doing what you really love - Teaching Children. You are able to save some costs doing your own photocopying but you feel totally burnt out in the end. Or even worse, you start to detest your job?
We recognize these issues and we are aimed to really help you.
- Our photocopy service price is so affordable, you will be satisfied with our quotation.
- Our photocopy service will include stapling and hole-punching at no extra charge and we will also sort it out for you.
- Our photocopy service usually takes 1-2 days to complete any job (unless your job is really huge).
- We have several photocopy machines to do the job, so you can rest assured on-time delivery, every time (FREE delivery above S$45.00 worth of services.)
- Our technical team is on stand-by 24/7, so you will receive great copies on every page.
"Don't Wait Any Longer! Decide What is Important to You Now."
Call Edwin at 9006 9106 or email
We look forward getting to know you